Atlas Calendar, Klout Q&A, Rating Your Contacts: the Social 6 for 5/8/13

Welcome back, me! It’s been my longest break from releasing a Social 6 ever, but for good reason, between prepping to go away and then going away to Munich for the International Health Forum. I’m back in the swing of things, and today seemed like a great day to start back up, with a terrific… Continue reading Atlas Calendar, Klout Q&A, Rating Your Contacts: the Social 6 for 5/8/13

Tweetdeck Upgrades, Storify VIP Service, Klout + Instagram, Amazon + Goodreads: the Social 6 for 3/29/12

It’s funny: there are slow weeks, and then there are weeks — days, actually — like yesterday. Pretty much everything that makes up the Social 6 from the last 24 hours is a must-read if you want to keep on top of mobile, digital, and social happenings. Between the Goodreads move, Klout’s added focus on… Continue reading Tweetdeck Upgrades, Storify VIP Service, Klout + Instagram, Amazon + Goodreads: the Social 6 for 3/29/12

Microsoft & Klout and Facebook & Gifts: Your Social 6, Weekend Edition

Hi everybody, and happy Monday! Hope you had a good weekend, and didn’t spend it reading news across the Internet from a myriad sources. After all, that’s what I’m here for. This weekend had a few gems; here are some of the highlights: #6: Gamification: where play meets productivity and engagement (Opinno) #5: Is the Social Media… Continue reading Microsoft & Klout and Facebook & Gifts: Your Social 6, Weekend Edition