Seriously? A Saturday Social 6 Saturated Sans iPad Mini Stories

Dear Apple: can you please announce the iPad Mini already so people can talk about something else? Seriously, folks. I try to keep the Social 6 to the six stories most clicked & shared over the past 24 hours, and for better or for worse, that seems like the top thing y’all care about. There’s also a great use of social marketing for presidential campaigns, background on foursquare from its CEO’s perspective, and more – but it’s mainly iPad Mini.

Here’s your Social 6:

#6: Mouthee’s Social Recommendations Platform Makes It Easy To Share Word-Of-Mouth (Get It?) Reviews (TechCrunch)

#4: Dennis Crowley: Foursquare Considered Selling, Is The Best Local Search Tool On The Planet (TechCrunch)

#2: Obama Campaign Buys Ads for ‘Malarkey’ Hashtag on Twitter (Mashable)

#1: Why the timing of iPad Mini’s launch is brilliant (Financial Post)

By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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