Pinterest Analytics, SoundCloud, Netflix on Facebook: the Social 6 for 3/13/13

Today I was a bit out of it, putting out fires at Firebrand Group (no pun intended, pinkie swear) — but that didn’t stop all your clicks & shares. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: Peter Thiel On Not Selling Facebook – And Much, Much More (ReadWrite)

#5: Subscriptions, Social and CRM (Ecommerce Times)

#4: At long last, US users can share Netflix history on Facebook (Mashable)

#3: How to get your coworkers to share company news on social networks (Social Fresh)

#2: SoundCloud: the Twitter of Music? (The Verge)

#1: 4 Things to Try with the New Pinterest Analytics [VIDEO] (Social Media Today)

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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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