Retweet-worthy: @jeremarketer News Roundup for 2/21/12

I’m trying something new, in that every day I’ll share my Twitter links that get retweeted (RTed) the most the previous day. In case you’re not following me yet, I tweet as @jeremarketer.

Here’s what you need to know:

Google TV adding Siri-like voice controls: A Google patent unearthed by Patently Apple finds that Google will be adding voice controls to their upcoming TV offering. Thanks to Rue Liu of Slashgear for the writeup.

9 Hot Tips for Small Business Marketing on Facebook: Really helpful post from Mashable which originally appeared on the Amex OPEN forum. By Christine Erickson. If you’re a small business, there’s a pretty good chance you’re not doing all of these!

Sorry, Pinterest Users: Websites Can Now Block Pinning [VIDEO]: A nice piece by Joann Pan on Mashable about how Pinterest is catching up in regards to what it will need to do to avoid backlash as it grows. For one, Pinterest etiquette is becoming more normalized, with proper procedures for one to cite his or her pins. For those of you who don’t know, Pinterest follows the Digital Millenmium Copyright Act, and is currently removing any images that someone claims is violate copyright laws. It will be interesting to see how Pinterest deals with the copyright backlash as the service grows.

Why Veterans Are a Good Fit for Tech Jobs [INFOGRAPHIC]: Good infographic courtesy of Payscale. If you’re in tech and in hiring, pay attention to the bottom part of the image in particular!

Gmail gets stricter about keeping children out: I liked this Indian Express piece in that it touches on something I think is a tremendous business opportunity on the Internet: children. If there is a way for a business to do a good job of marketing to parents and provide parent-gated services like email to the younger crowd, there will be a tremendous market. Provided, of course, there are strong parental controls. I just don’t think it’s reasonable anymore to say that children under 13 have to be 100% unexposed to the Internet; it just has to be done in the right way.

Data Primer: Nathan Yau: If you’re into data visualization, hopefully you’re reading the FlowingData blog! If not, take a look, we’ll wait. Nathan Yau is the PhD candidate in stats who is behind FlowingData, and Matt Carmichael of AdAge sat down with him for this great Q&A. Definitely worth a look if you’re into data visualization half as much as I am.

Want to discuss this post, or any of the articles contained in this post? Shoot me a message to my @jeremarketer account and I’d love to discuss. Happy reading! 

By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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