Spotify Apps, Cover Photo Crackdown, and the Rise of the PANK: The Social 6 News Roundup for 12/3/12

Welcome back, everyone! I know a lot of you take a breather from being deeply embedded in news sources the entire week and I don’t blame you. That being said, we had a very useful stories last week, from how to leverage apps to improve your Spotify music discovery, to the risk of the PANK, to Facebook’s crackdown on certain types of cover photos. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: 9 Key Elements Of A Successful Social Media Strategy (Social Strand)

#5: New Study Uncovers 23 Million Powerful American Women — and They’re Not Moms (Huffington Post)

#4: Top 5 Spotify Apps For Music Discovery  (ReadWriteWeb)

#3: Let the Gamification Begin (TIME)

#2: Beware, folks; Facebook is cracking down on promotional cover photos (Mashable)

#1: 3 Unexpected Mobile Tips (iMedia Connection)

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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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