Super Bowl, Facebook Exoduses, and Graph Search: the Social 6 for 2/4/13

As expected, Monday the 4th had plenty of news and views regarding last nights Super Bowl, but there were other interesting things to be found today across the social web, including arguments against graph search, gamification’s role in revolutionizing health care, and marketing trends to be aware of in order to grow over the coming year. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: 4 Powerful Marketing Trends Your Organization Must Embrace in 2013 (Business 2 Community)

#5: How Companies Are Using Gamification To Transform Health Care (Business Insider)

#4: This year’s Super Bowl Generated over 24 Million Tweets (Mashable)

#3: Why Graph Search Could Be Facebook’s Largest Privacy Invasion Ever (The Nation blog)

#2: How Superbowl XLVII’s Blackout Became A Marketer’s Dream (Likeable Media blog)

#1: Why I Decided To Leave Facebook (ReadWriteWeb)

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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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