The Social 6: Key Stories of The Last 24 hours, 8/14/12

#6 Now In 20 Cities, Startup Grind Aims To Inspire The Next Generation Of Global Entrepreneurs

Rip Empson writes for TechCrunch profiling Startup Grind, an event-based community for entrepreneurs.

#5 How Maker Camp uses Google+ to give teens a behind-the-scenes look at tech and science

Now here’s a pretty cool initiative: a new summer camp is in the making and the markers are Google and Make Magazine! This new online camp is targeted at 13 to 18 year olds that want to learn more about science and technology. Anna Heim writes for The Next Web explaining more about this new online initiative.

#4 Answer Underground Aims To Be A Mobile-Focused Quora For Education, Hits The iPad This Week

Did you know there are 3.7 billion web searches every month for education-related topics? I sure didn’t. Sallie Severns, formerly of, founded and created Answer Underground, to help fill this information niche. Answers Underground is a mobile-focused learning utility created to help students share information and get answers quickly. Rip Empson shares more details in this TechCrunch piece.

Kim Dotcom

#3 Kim Dotcom promises that disruptive new music service, Megabox, will launch this year

Writing for The Next Web, Jon Russell says Dotcom’s new venture, Megabox, will allow artist to sell music to direct users, and is said to launch before the end of the year.

Mindy Kaling
Mindy Kaling (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

#2 Case Study: Twitter and Mindy Kailing

An article on Pocket Stop’s Basement Blog about Mindy Kaling, , and how her new show on Fox, The Mindy Project, might not have gotten off the ground without the strength of her voice on Twitter. This is a great lesson for any sole proprietor or personality: having a strong “social voice” clearly can pay huge financial dividends.

#1 Google makes another huge move in travel with rumored acquisition of Frommer’s 

Fresh off of acquiring Zagat a few months back, Google is  now acquiring Frommer’s brand of travel guides! Brad McCarty writes for The Next Web outlines the move, which should improve Google’s travel-planning searches.

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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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