The Social 6: Stories You Missed This Past Weekend, 8/20/12

#6: Back To School: 5 Evernote Tips for Students

If you don’t use Evernote, go ahead and download it! I’ll wait. Even if you’re not a student, these Evernote tips from Dave Copeland of ReadWriteWeb can definitely come in handy.

Deets for iOS (courtesy of TechCrunch)

#5: Deets For iOS Keeps Contacts Up To Date Automatically, Lets You Share Files, Photos & More
Deets is a new iOS mobile app (Android coming soon) that doesn’t just keep contacts’ information up to date automatically — it’s so much more. Sarah Perez provides some great TechCrunch analysis on the app and the business behind it.

#4: Case Study – Nakashima/Katsu-Ya

I love food and I love social media, so you can imagine an article touching on social media marketing for restaurants would be right up my alley. This is an interview with Tim Nakashima (business owner) and Brad Cebulski (agency) and how they work together to drive business value. Wish there were more pics of the food, though!

#3: In India, a Time of Flux Approaches

I’ll admit it: I’m not an expert on the Indian economy, much less its startup scene. That being said, this article by Ankush Chibber gives some detailed analysis on the evolution of India’s consumer Internet space.

#2: Social Media Transforming Campaign Strategies & Engagement Practices

If you’re into cold hard figures and like politics as well, then you’ll really enjoy this Examiner piece by Anthony Carranza, which dives into exactly how the Romney and Obama campaigns are leveraging social platforms to support their campaigns for the US presidency.

#1: Celebrity Tweeters: Worth Their Weight in Gold, or a Lot of Hot Air?

Many celebrities tweet endorsements, and there’s a debate as to how much these are worth in general. This article in The Next Women touches on some of the factors businesspeople should look at when evaluating how important celebrity tweeters are.  


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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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