Timehop, Graph Search, and Vine: the Social 6, Weekend Edition

Over the last few days, the number of stories about Facebook’s Graph Search hasn’t abated that much, but the velocity at which I’ve seen new stories about Twitter’s new Vine app has been pretty tremendous. We’ve also got a story about Timehop’s timely (sorry, couldn’t help it) upgrades, a great analysis of Instagram’s top hashtags, and more. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: Crowdsourcing: It’s Always Been About the Benjamin (Forbes)

#5: Vinepeek Is The Most Addictive New Site On The Internet (Buzzfeed)

#4: Timehop taps USA Today to show you news from today’s date in history, adds ‘Friendversaries’ (The Next Web)

#3: Top 10 Most Popular Tags On Instagram (ReadWriteWeb)

#2: Tumblr Blog “Actual Facebook Graph Searches” Goes Viral (TechCrunch)

#1: 15 Brands already using Twitter’s New Vine App (Social Fresh)

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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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