YouTube iOS Streaming, Google Gadgets, Marketing During Crises: the Social 6 for 4/16/13

It’s kind of funny how things pan out sometimes: on a day like today, I wouldn’t have imagined that most of my top links would lead to Google in one way or another, yet that’s exactly what happened. Today we saw a number of every useful, practical information — from how business blogging and G+ go hand in hand to how brand marketers can take steps towards handling social media (and beyond) during situations like Monday’s Boston Marathon tragedy. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: Why Google Plus Wants Every Business Blogging (Small Business Trends)

#5: Clever Uses for Reverse Image Search (Lifehacker)

#4: How Google searches will start looking very different in the US & Europe (New Statesman)

#3: In a major move, YouTube’s iOS App now features live streaming (Mashable)

#2: The Brand Marketer’s Checklist When Tragedy Strikes (Social Media Today)

#1: Google’s Next Group of Gadgets Will Blow You Away, Says Eric Schmidt (AllThingsD)

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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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