Sheryl Sandberg and Costco Highlight the Social 6 News Roundup for 10/2/12

Look, everybody, it’s a diverse Social 6 today! From failed IPOs (Facebook) to great advice from thought leaders (Amber Naslund) to retailers running into social media policy challenges (Costco), this one’s got something for everyone. Here’s your Social 6 news & views roundup:

#6: The social workplace: Are you prepared? (Denver Business Journal blog)

#5: CoCoon, The Newest Home For Startups In Hong Kong (TechCrunch)

#4: How – And Why – Startups Should Hire Millennials (ReadWriteWeb)

#3: The One Thing That Smart Businesses Never Do (Brass Tack Thinking)

#2: Sheryl Sandberg says Facebook IPO wasn’t great, but new mobile and advertising products should help (The Next Web)

#1: Costco Gets Slapped Over Social Media Policy (Business 2 Community)

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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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