Cyber Monday, Pitch Engine, Lanyrd, and Twitter Archives: the Social 6 News Roundup for 11/28/12

Lots of good stuff you might have missed yesterday, which is why I’m here to curate it all for you. Today we’ve got some Cyber Monday ramifications, the FBI’s forward-thinking use of social media, some innovation courtesy of Lanyrd (one of my favorite apps), and more. Here’s your Social 6:

#6 Social-Media Shaming About A Dumb Photo Gets Dangerous  (ReadWriteWeb)

#5 On Cyber Monday, Mobile — Not Social — Takes All the Glory  (All Things D)

#4 FBI Using Twitter to Crack Down on Securities Fraud  (Mashable)

#2 As LinkedIn closes its Events app, social conference service Lanyrd steps in with new integration  (The Next Web)

#1 Will Twitter follow up on its promise for downloadable tweet archives by year’s end? (Search Engine Watch)


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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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