Facebook Monetization, MyHeritage, Banjo, & Reddit: the Social 6 for 11/29/12

There was just so much goodness going around yesterday that this story about 500px’s arrival on iPhone got crowded out – and 500px is a pretty sharp site/platform/service. I’d have put it in the top 6, but alas, the rules are the same as always: whatever I share that you guys click on & share the most, that’s what I then rank and sort out to determine the Social 6. My piece on Banjo’s new release topped the list, but we also have MyHeritage’s new trove of cash, Facebook monetization efforts, and much more. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: 5 Fascinating Facts We Learned From Reddit This Week  (Mashable)

#5: Family-oriented social network raises $25 million and buys its main rival Geni (The Next Web)

#4: Facebook’s new tactics to convince page owners to run ads (Inside Facebook)

#3: Box VP Sam Schillace: People won’t tolerate crappy enterprise apps anymore (VentureBeat)

#2: Facebook’s new push for getting its users credit card numbers (Mashable)

#1: Why Banjo is the Future of Social Networking  (Going Social)

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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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