Social Media Fails, Facebook and Google+ Redesigns, SXSW: the Social 6 for 3/8/13

Unsurprisingly, there was plenty of conversation today about Facebook and Google+, given yesterday’s announcements regarding both of those platforms. Besides those major stories, there were plenty of other gems today, including iOS making its way into cars, whether or not this SXSW will yield the next killer app, and some of 2013’s most epic social media misses. Here’s your Social 6:

#6: Apple Is Quietly Turning Every Car On The Road Into An ‘iCar’ (Business Insider)

#5: Is Facebook the New Google+? (Mashable)

#4: This Year at SXSW, the Next Killer App … Maybe Isn’t (AllThingsD)

#3: Why You Should Embrace Google Plus (The Whir)

#2: In Facebook’s News Feed Redesign, the Focus Is on the Photos (AllThingsD)

#1: Worst Social Media Fails Of The Year So Far (Business Insider)

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By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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