The Social 6: Key Stories from The Last 24 Hours, 7/19/12

As you may know, I’m a voracious reader and tend to share a good deal of news via my social platforms. Here’s a countdown of the top six most important articles I’ve shared in the last day. I curate this top six based on number of retweets, clicks, favorites, and mentions, so you guys are a large part of what ends up listed here 🙂.

#6 Are Companies a Good Fit on Social Media?

While the title of this article is a bit rhetorial, Brent Pohlman follows up with a strong Business 2 Community piece offering some key advice on how to make your company successful on whichever social platforms you’re operating on.

#5 What a Successful Facebook Mobile Strategy May Look Like

Mark Zuckerberg himself admits that Facebook has had challenges developing a wubbubg mobile strategy. In this article, you will read about different ways to why this is an issue and what Facebook execs are trying to do to improve their odds. Nice points proven by Dave Copeland of ReadWriteWeb.

#4 How To Use Social Media To Invent Or Reinvent Yourself

Self promotion or ‘Branding yourself’  has expanded rapidly within the past few years. There are important things to remember when branding yourself just like any other big name such as Coca-Cola or Facebook. Kyle Lacy of Business 2 Community proves many key points.

#3 How to Create Social Media Marketing Success: DON’T DO THIS

Social marketing is all about creating community, and not purely creating one-directional advertisements, right? However, many companies are blurring the lines and committing many faux-pas with their social strategies. Good points by Angela Hausman, PhD in this Business 2 Community post.

#2 5 Things You Didn’t Think You Could Do on LinkedIn

LinkedIn, as you know, is a platform that I love. Love, love, love. You just can’t use it enough. This quick piece by Amy-Mae Elliot of Mashable gives a few less-known features of everyone’s favorite A+ professional platform.

And finally, the #1 share of the last 24 hours:

#1 Here’s what we learned from the Socialcam acquisition: Innovation wins, not numbers

Socialcam has gained an incredible amount of traction in a short period of time, becoming the most popular Facebook app by a large margin. Drew Olanoff of TNW delves into why innovation is the key reason for the app’s acquisition, as opposed to its number of active monthly users.

By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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