User Personas, KitchenAid, and Election 2012 in the Social 6 Roundup for 10/5/12

Busy day around the Interwebz yesterday, I tells ya! Plenty to pick from. A few choice articles didn’t make it to the top six, but hey, it’s called the Social 6 for a reason. It sometimes involves ostracizing one or two folks. You know, kind of like high school.

Here’s your Social 6 roundup for October 5th:

#6: Twitter Partners With Nielsen on New Tool to Measure Brand Impact  (Mashable)

#4: Fund managers eager to use social media are held back by industry regulations (Washington Post)

#2: KitchenAid’s Community Crisis: A Case Study in Doing It Right (Fierce Loyalty)

#1: How User Personas Can Improve Your CRO Strategy (KISSmetrics)

By jeremygoldman

social media pundit.

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